Mason Jar Omelets And Salami Egg Cups

If you've never been a huge fan of eggs, these 2 recipes are sure to convert you! Maybe all you ever needed to convince you was a bit of salami and a whole bunch of cheese. After all, who can say no to these 2 delicious ingredients?!

1. Mason Jar Omelets

You'll Need (for 3):

  • 3 Mason jars
  • 6 eggs (2 per jar)
  • 6 tbsp cubed salami (2 tbsp per jar)
  • 6 tbsp cubed cheese (2 tbsp per jar)
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 3 tbsp grated parmesan cheese (1 tbsp per jar)

Here's How:

1.1 Crack 2 eggs into each Mason jar, add the cubed salami and cheese, and season with salt and pepper.

1.2 Secure the lids and shake each jar vigorously.

1.3 Place the 3 Mason jars in a pot of water heated to 175°F and cook for 35 minutes.

1.4 Sprinkle parmesan cheese in the jars before serving.

2. Salami Egg Cups

You'll Need (for 6):

  • 6-cup muffin pan
  • 6 eggs
  • 36 small slices of salami (6 slices per muffin cup)
  • 6 tbsp shredded mozzarella (1 tbsp per muffin cup)
  • salt, pepper & chili powder to taste

Here's How:

2.1 Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease the muffin cups and line each one with 6 slices of salami.

2.2 Sprinkle 1 tbsp of shredded mozzarella over the salami in each muffin cup.

2.3 Crack an egg into each muffin cup and season with salt, pepper, and chili powder. Transfer the muffin pan to the oven and cook t 400°F for 12 minutes.

Wow, that was easy, right? Feel free to experiment with pepperoni, bacon, or ham for a different dish every time.

Get the recipes for the 3 Breakfast Egg Hacks featured in the bonus video.


Also hefty