Posted inFood

3 Stuffed Beef Flowers: Beef Roses, Beef Sunflowers, And Beef Tulips

Flowers are the perfect gift for any occasion, so it stands to reason that beef flowers are the perfect gift for meat lovers. Whether you prefer roses, sunflowers, or tulips, these 3 stuffed beef flowers are sure to deliver! 1. Beef Rose Yield: 1 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 25 minutes Difficulty Level: Moderate […]

3 Stuffed Beef Flowers: Beef Roses
3 Stuffed Beef Flowers: Beef Roses Credit: MediaPartisans

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Flowers are the perfect gift for any occasion, so it stands to reason that beef flowers are the perfect gift for meat lovers. Whether you prefer roses, sunflowers, or tulips, these 3 stuffed beef flowers are sure to deliver!

1. Beef Rose

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 25 minutes

Difficulty Level: Moderate

You’ll Need:

  • 8 oz beef, cut into thin strips
  • roasted red pepper strips
  • BBQ sauce

Here’s How:

1.1 Arrange the beef strips in 2 rows so that the pieces in each row overlap and place the roasted red pepper strips on top.

1.2 Roll up the first beef & pepper strip and then roll it up in the second strip. Place the giant beef rose on a baking tray and brush BBQ sauce over the meat.

1.3 Transfer the baking tray to a preheated oven and cook at 350°F for 25 minutes.

2. Beef Sunflower

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Difficulty Level: Moderate

You’ll Need:

  • 4 oz ground beef
  • diced mushrooms
  • crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 small potato, sliced

Here’s How:

2.1 Fill a 3-inch pastry ring with the ground beef and use a shot glass to create a well in the center.

2.2 Remove the pastry ring and fill the well in the beef cup with crumbled feta cheese and diced mushrooms.

2.3 Push the potato slices into the top edges of the beef cup and sprinkle more diced mushrooms on top.

2.4. Place the beef sunflower on a baking tray, transfer the baking tray to a preheated oven, and cook at 350°F for 30 minutes.

3. Beef Tulip

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 25 minutes

Difficulty Level: Moderate

You’ll Need:

  • 8 oz beef
  • 1 slice of havarti cheese
  • 1 tbsp diced red onion
  • 1 tbsp sliced scallions
  • 2 oz ground beef
  • BBQ sauce

Here’s How:

3.1 Pound the piece of beef until it’s very thin and place the slice of havarti cheese in the middle on top.

3.2 Sprinkle the diced red onion and sliced scallions on top of the slice of cheese. Roll the ground beef into a ball and place it in the center.

3.3 Fold the beef and cheese up around the ground beef to form a ball. Turn the stuffed beef ball over and cut a cross in the top with a knife.

3.4 Tie cooking twine around the stuffed beef ball.

3.5 Unfold the cut meat and cheese corners, place the stuffed beef ball on a baking tray, and brush BBQ sauce over the meat. Transfer the baking tray to a preheated oven and cook at 350°F for 25 minutes.

These 3 delicious meat recipes give a whole new meaning to the concept of a bouquet of flowers!

Get the recipe for the Stuffed Pepper Flowers featured in the bonus video.