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3 Egg-cellent Egg Recipes

 Eggs are some of the most versatile, delicious ingredients out there. We’ve certainly come up with our fair share of egg recipes, but believe it or not, we have even more! A light & fluffy egg cloud, baked breakfast cake, and an adorable polka dot omelet – these 3 egg-cellent recipes are as fun […]

3 Egg-cellent Egg Recipes
3 Egg-cellent Egg Recipes Credit: MediaPartisans

Eggs are some of the most versatile, delicious ingredients out there. We’ve certainly come up with our fair share of egg recipes, but believe it or not, we have even more! A light & fluffy egg cloud, baked breakfast cake, and an adorable polka dot omelet – these 3 egg-cellent recipes are as fun to make as they are delicious. Now let’s get cracking on those egg dishes!

1. Light & Airy Cloud Egg

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Difficulty Level: Easy

You’ll Need:

  • 1 egg
  • salt to taste
  • 8-inch nonstick frying pan + lid 
  • egg cup

Here’s How:

1.1 Place an egg cup in the center of the nonstick frying pan, crack the egg over it, and pour the egg white directly into the frying pan. Keep the egg yolk in the eggshell and place it in the egg cup.

1.2 Season the egg white with salt, then beat it with a hand mixer until it becomes light and airy.

1.3 Once the egg white is beaten, remove the egg cup and pour the yolk into the center of the fluffy egg white. Put the lid on the frying pan and cook the cloud egg on low heat for 15 minutes.

2. Savory Breakfast Bundt Cake

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cooking Time: 35 minutes

Difficulty Level: Easy

You’ll Need:

  • 8 eggs
  • 1 tbsp garlic & herb olive oil
  • fried bacon
  • lettuce for the garnish
  • 9-inch bundt cake pan 

Here’s How:

2.1 Preheat the oven to 325°F and grease the 9-inch bundt cake pan. Crack the eggs into the bundt cake pan, transfer it to the oven, and bake the eggs at 325°F for 35 minutes.

2.2 Once they’ve baked, take the bundt cake pan out of the oven and flip it over onto a serving plate or platter, removing the breakfast bundt cake while it’s still hot. Fry some bacon in the shape of a flower and place it on top of the breakfast bunt cake. Add some lettuce and garlic & herb olive oil on top, and your gorgeous breakfast bundt cake is ready to be served!

3. Polka Dot Omelet

Yield: 1

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 10 minutes

Difficulty Level: Easy

You’ll Need:

  • 3 large eggs
  • garden salad & dressing
  • 10-inch crêpe pan or round griddle
  • piping bag nozzle

Here’s How:

3.1 Separate the eggs and whisk the egg yolks and egg whites in separate bowls. Heat the crêpe pan or griddle on medium heat, pour in the egg yolks, and let them cook.

3.2 Use the larger end of a piping bag nozzle to cut small circles out of the cooked egg yolks.

3.3 Use a spoon to fill the holes in the egg yolks with the whisked egg whites. Cook the omelet on medium heat until the egg whites have cooked all the way through.

3.4 Fill the omelet with a garden salad and sauce or dressing for a fresh, fun breakfast treat.

Classic fried, poached, or scrambled eggs are yummy, but they’ve got nothing on these 3 inventive egg recipes. Switch up your breakfast routine with these fun new dishes!

Get the recipe for the Delicious Egg Hacks featured in the bonus video.