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4 Super Quick & Nifty One-Pot Pasta Recipes

4 Super Quick & Nifty One-Pot Pasta Recipes
4 Super Quick & Nifty One-Pot Pasta Recipes Credit: MediaPartisans

A tough day at work can really take its toll — it’s late, you’re tired, and, worst of all, your belly’s a-rumbling!  But before you start scrolling through your speed dial list for your favorite takeout place, you should check out our super quick and easy pasta recipes that only require one pot!

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1. Salmon & Spinach Tagliatelle

You’ll Need:

  • 3½ oz baby spinach
  • ½ diced onion
  • 1 chopped garlic clove
  • salt and pepper
  • 9 oz tagliatelle
  • 10 fl oz vegetable stock
  • 3½ fl oz cream
  • 3½ fl oz white wine
  • 4 oz smoked salmon

Here’s How:

  1. Add all of the ingredients, except for the salmon, into a large pot or pan. Leave everything to simmer for six minutes while occasionally stirring. 
  2. Once the pasta is cooked, add the salmon to the pan and warm it up briefly.

2. Farfalle with Smoked Sausage in a Cream Sauce

You’ll Need:

  • vegetable oil
  • 10 oz smoked sausage, sliced
  • 1 diced onion
  • 1 chopped garlic clove
  • 14 oz chopped tomatoes
  • 3½ fl oz cream
  • 15 fl oz chicken stock
  • 10 oz farfalle pasta
  • salt & pepper
  • 4 oz shredded cheese
  • green onions, sliced

Here’s How:

  1. Add all the ingredients, except for the cheese and green onions, to a pot or pan. Once the pasta has been brought to the boil, add the cheese.
  2. Next, let the pasta simmer for 13 minutes. Sprinkle on the onion rings before serving.

3. Spicy Asian Pasta

You’ll Need:

  • 12 fl oz water
  • 5 fl oz soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp hot sauce
  • 2 chopped garlic cloves
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • 3 tbsp grated ginger
  • 5 oz mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 zucchini
  • 2 oz peanuts
  • 1 green onion, sliced
  • 9 oz linguine pasta
  • salt & pepper
  • freshly chopped cilantro

Here’s How:

  1. Add all of the ingredients, except for the cilantro, to a pot or pan. Leave everything to simmer for eight minutes with the lid on.
  2. Remove the lid and leave the pasta to simmer for several more minutes while occasionally stirring. Finish by adding the cilantro.

4. Delicious Vegetarian Pasta

You’ll Need:

  • 5 oz penne pasta
  • 3½ oz broccoli
  • 3½ oz pepper
  • 3 oz eggplant
  • 2 oz zucchini
  • 5 cherry tomatoes
  • ½ red onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • salt & pepper
  • 12 fl oz water
  • 3½ fl oz white wine
  • 1 fl oz vinegar
  • 1 fl oz olive oil
  • arugula

Here’s How:

  1. Add all of the ingredients, except for the arugula, to a pot or pan and let everything simmer for eight minutes.
  2. Stir the pasta with the vegetables and leave everything to simmer for a few more minutes. To finish, add the arugula.

These fantastic recipes give the slightly outdated image of traditional pasta dishes a complete makeover. Quick and easy to prepare, they give you a good selection of tasty meals to choose from when you come home from work — two of them are even suitable for vegans! It really is fast food without the junk.