Posted inCakes & Pastries, Desserts

Jelly Donut Cake With Chocolate Frosting

Donuts are one of the tastiest sweets out there, and there’s a delicious amount of variety when it comes to the type of donut you can choose from. There’s the classic donut that’s light and fluffy and just kind of melts in your mouth when you bite into it. Then there’s the cake donut which […]

Credit: MediaPartisans

Donuts are one of the tastiest sweets out there, and there’s a delicious amount of variety when it comes to the type of donut you can choose from. There’s the classic donut that’s light and fluffy and just kind of melts in your mouth when you bite into it. Then there’s the cake donut which is a bit heftier when compared to the classic kind – it’s a fan favorite, and for good reason. Last but not least in the pantheon of great donuts, is the jelly donut that’s just bursting with fruity deliciousness. Now what if we told you that we combined elements of all 3 of those donuts and created 1 giant donut? Well buckle up, because that’s exactly what we did here!

Jelly Donut Cake

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Cakes & Pastries, Desserts
Servings 1


  • Springform cake pan
  • small casserole dish
  • Immersion blender
  • Fine Mesh Sieve
  • Piping bag


  • 16 glazed donuts
  • 1-2 chocolate bars
  • 12 oz fresh raspberries
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips, melted
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream
  • sprinkles to decorate


  • Remove the base of a springform cake pan, place the springform ring on its side, and balance the ring on top of a small casserole dish so that it doesn't roll away.
  • Slice the glazed donuts in half diagonally.
  • Run the packaged chocolate bar(s) under a stream of warm water until the chocolate inside has melted. Cut open a corner of the chocolate bar package, squeeze some chocolate around the top of a halved donut, and place another halved donut on top.
  • Place the donuts upright in the springform ring with the wider sides on the bottom.
  • Continue gluing the donuts together with melted chocolate and stacking them in the springform ring until you have an almost complete ring of donuts.
  • Once only a few donuts are left, puree the raspberries and powdered sugar with an immersion blender and pass the raspberry puree through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the seeds. Transfer the raspberry jelly to a piping bag and squeeze it into the collective donut hole in the springform ring.
  • Add the rest of the halved donuts to the springform ring to complete the donut cake. Let the chocolate set and then lay the jelly donut cake flat on a cake plate.
  • For the chocolate ganache frosting, combine the melted chocolate and heavy cream. Pour the chocolate ganache over the jelly donut cake and decorate with colorful sprinkles while the frosting is still warm.


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This might be one of the all-time greatest desserts that you’ll keep coming back to whenever you’re craving an overdose of donutty goodness – it looks like you really can have it all!