Hasselback Caprese Chicken Breasts

A nice, light Italian dish is the perfect addition to any potluck, BBQ, or dinner party, and Caprese salad certainly delivers. Tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil perfectly complement each other, but there's always room to grow, and so we dared to experiment with the "Holy Trinity" of the culinary world.  Stuff your fresh ingredients into a chicken breast, drizzle some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and pesto over the top, and you're good to go!

You'll Need (for 2):

  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 2 fresh mozzarella balls, sliced
  • 3 tomatoes, sliced
  • basil leaves
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • olive oil, balsamic vinegar & pesto to garnish

Here's How:

1. Cut four deep sections into the chicken breasts. Halve the mozzarella balls and slice the halves. Cut a tomato into quarters. Remove the core and halve the quarters.

2. Layer each tomato piece with a basil leaf and a slice of mozzarella and stuff the chicken sections with it. Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper before drizzling a little olive oil over the top. Bake in the oven at 360°F for 20 minutes.

3. Take the remaining two tomatoes, and with the stem facing down, cut a small slice off one side of each tomato — this will prevent the tomatoes from rolling. Cut four deep sections in each tomato and place a slice of mozzarella and a basil leaf in each section. Season the tomatoes with salt and pepper and finish off with a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

4. Serve the prepared tomatoes with the chicken breasts. Pro tip: a little pesto complements the meal perfectly!

It can be difficult to find a dish with ingredients that perfectly complement each other and it can be equally challenging to make sure no ingredient outshines the other. Thankfully this recipe for Caprese hasselback chicken meets both requirements  — talk about a dream team!


Also hefty