Posted inFood

3 Cute Snacks For Every Occasion

It’s always a good idea to have a fun and easy snack recipe on hand, and so much the better if it’s kid-friendly. Here are 3 recipes that fit the ticket, and best of all, your little ones will love helping you make them (and eat them, of course).* As always, don’t forget to remove […]

3 Cute Snacks For Every Occasion
3 Cute Snacks For Every Occasion Credit: MediaPartisans

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It’s always a good idea to have a fun and easy snack recipe on hand, and so much the better if it’s kid-friendly. Here are 3 recipes that fit the ticket, and best of all, your little ones will love helping you make them (and eat them, of course).*

As always, don’t forget to remove the toothpicks from the snacks before feeding them to small children. 

1. Egg Car

You’ll need (for 1 car):

  • 1 bread roll
  • radish
  • cherry tomato
  • cheese
  • cream cheese
  • bell pepper
  • 1 boiled egg
  • chive
  • pickle

Here’s how:

1.1 First cut out a section of the bread roll that is wide and deep enough to fit a cooked egg.

1.2 Stick a toothpick into the far corner side of the bread roll, and push a radish slice and tomato slice onto the toothpick. Repeat this three more times to crete the car “tires.”

1.3 Brush a small rectangular piece of cheese with some cream cheese and “glue” it to the front of the roll. Then coat a small piece of bell pepper with cream cheese and stick it to the back of the roll.

1.4 Put the boiled egg into the hollowed-out section of the bread roll and decorate it with a piece of chive for the nose and two pickle pieces for the eyes. Use a cookie cutter on the cheese to make a fun cutout and place it on top of the egg. Finally, place the end section of the radish on top of the cheese slice.

2. Hot Dog Snake

You’ll need

  • ready made dough
  • hot dogs
  • egg
  • shredded parmesan
  • peppercorns 
  • red bell pepper

Here’s how:

2.1 Roll out a portion of the dough into a long thin “snake” and then wrap it around a hot dog.  Beat the egg and brush the egg wash over the dough.

2.2 Sprinkle parmesan cheese over the top and stick two peppercorns into the dough on on end to create the eyes. Cut the dough underneath and stick a small piece of red bell pepper inside to make the tongue.

2.3 Bake at 350°F for 25 minutes.

3. Cheese Robot

You’ll need:

  • cheese cubes
  • green grapes
  • pretzel sticks
  • balsamic vinaigrette
  • wooden skewers

Here’s how:

3.1 Stack three solid cheese cubes on top of one another, making sure that the top piece is slightly smaller than the other two. Push a pretzel stick into the middle cube on either side.

3.2 Halve the grapes and place one half on the top cheese cube to serve as the robot head. Then push a wooden skewer all the way through the robot.

3.3. Finally, use a wooden skewer and balsamic vinaigrette to draw a face on the top cheese cube.

These ideas are not only creative and easy to make, but they’re also a refreshing change from the boring packaged snacks you always pick up from the grocery store. As an added bonus, they’re also tastier and healthier!

You can find more cute snack food ideas, like those featured in the bonus video, here